Tuesday, June 23, 2009

ICU Stay

First off, thank you in advance for everyone that is reading this and following my story.

I left off in the last blog, when I went to my local hospital the third time. This is going to be my account of the events that happened to me but, during a huge part of the time I was in a comma so I got all this information from friends and family that were there with me the whole time I was dealing with my battle with Lemierres Syndrome.

I was waiting outside my house in Glen Carbon IL and my best friend Tim G came to my house to give me a ride to the hospital. I remember driving to the hospital which was only like 10 min. away but, when I got out of his car I don't remember anything that happened.

Tim was at my work at Big Daddy's drinking when I called him and after he dropped me off he asked me if I wanted him to come in and I told him not to so he went back to the bar. When he got to the bar he saw another one of my closest friends Brian. Brian left the bar the minute he heard that I was back in the ER for the third time.

This is an account according to Brian....He came to the hospital and said that we waited in the waiting room for like 3 and a half hours then I was taken back to the ER and saw the doctors. He said that I wasn't in there for like 15 min before they had me in a gown and they told him that they were taking my by ambulance to St. Louis to Barnes. At that point he held my hand and asked if I wanted him to go with me and I told him to take my cell phone and wallet and not to worry about me that I would be fine and to call my dad and my brother in the morning and tell them where I was going. He said okay and by the time that I was in the parking lot I crashed and I took a helicopter ride to St Louis.

One the way in the helicopter they found out that Barnes ICU was full so they took me to St. Louis University Hospital. That was on December 16 the day that my life turned around. As I said before I don't remember anything from this point on. I have tried to get the story from different friends and family but, its so hard to talk about.

Well it is hard to believe that I was at this point on Life Support.....alot of people told me that they didn't know for five days when I got to STUH what was wrong.....I had a really high fever and I still had the sore throat.

I will never forget all the nurses and the doctors that saved my life in ICU. Doctor Kaplan is the man I want to say that but, I was in a chemical induced coma for ten day in ICU and I finally woke up on Christmas morning...

I could blog about my comma for days, weeks, years, about all the dreams and stuff that I remember but, the only reason that I lived was because the doctors told me that my size saved my life. I lost 150 lbs in a month......and a normal person would have made it. And also that I have put my trust and faith in Jesus Christ. My dad was my best supporter in this, we always haven't had the best relationship but, he was by my side the whole time that I was in the hospital. So I ended up staying in ICU for 19 days total.

While I was in ICU my blood pressure dropped to 60 over 35 and I had a temp of 107.4. I still can't believe it when I hear it from friends and family. But, the blood pressure medicine that they gave me had side effects to it that cause my blood from my feet to rush to my heart to keep me alive. So because of that I got a really bad case of gang green on both feet. They doctors were worried that it would spread to my legs and they said that if the black got any higher that they would have to take my legs from the knee down but, thank God that didn't happen but, I was left with gang green on both feet.

So the day finally came when I got out of ICU and went to a normal room. One thing about being in a coma, is that I couldn't even lift my head up to eat. I couldn't lift my arms or anything. But, like I said before my dad was there the whole time to take care of my along with my friends and family. One of the main people that helped in my recovery was a great friend named Camille that is a nurse at Children Hospital. She stayed with me every chance she could.

I really could spend alot of time telling more about ICU and I will never forget it but, I want to thank everyone that came to see me up there. It was because of all of you that I made it. The nurses and doctors told me that I have never seen any family and friends that I had. I'm very lucky. But, there will be more to come thank you so much for the support.


  1. When did you find out it was Lemierres? And what is Lemierres? I must admit, the initial symptom of a scratchy throat is a common thing I get, but I rarely get fevers. Anyway, how does a person get this? Is it something you catch? Is it hereditary?

    I know you don't like to write, but this is deep, and important. YOu should really continue the story.

  2. Well I didn't find out until I woke up what is really was...Lemierre's syndrome (or Lemierre's disease, also known as postanginal sepsis and human necrobacillosis) is a form of thrombophlebitis[1] usually caused by the bacterium Fusobacterium necrophorum. In common terms (or in my own words) This bacteria got in my throat and cause my body to go septic...The doctors didn't know how I contracted it or where it came from. I haven't written another blog about it...but, I lost my right foot at the ankle and three toes on my left foot...

    Preach (brett) and my brother, and church family have been my biggest supporters if it wasn't for them I don't think I could have made it this far....

  3. But, I am walking, driving, do everything I can to stay active....

  4. Wow. Very scary stuff. Especially the "not knowing" part.
    Glad you're able to stay active.
    Thank you.
